Underwater Wedding
40min farce

2019 The Stud, San Francisco

2016 Dixon Place, New York City

Joseph and Mary want to get married, but love has a funny way of finding its own way (into the heart of nursemaids, cyclops fishes, and corporate chains).

Original Cast
Diana Cage, Lonely Christopher, Stephen Ira, Ted Kerr, Elizabeth Koke, and Aldrin Valdez

With video sets by Ethan Weinstock
Sound Design by Rob Rusli

Oakland Cast
Diana Cage, Lynn Breedlove, Stephen Ira, Cliff Hengst, Grace Lavery, and Danny Thanh Nguyen

Sound by Julie Moon

Written and Directed by Maxe Crandall

Photo: Grace Moon 
[Description: Three performers squat down as if they will dive into the water at any moment. In the middle, Lonely wears a red athletic jacket and diving medals. He is flanked by Stephen, in silk & gold chains, and Aldrin, in a white lace tank]

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Beautiful Moments in Popular Culture is a theater company based in Oakland. Our mission is to produce performance at odds with commercial theater and to make occasion for underproduced or forgotten theater. Before the pandemic we ran a performance series at The Stud in San Francisco, and soon we will open a venue in the air.
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Current Projects
Plays for Every Occasion  performance series and book project theorizing Occasional Theater