Boomerang Pizza
10min play
Launch for Drive-By, by Claudia La Rocco
published by Smooth Friend
April 2023 Cushionworks, San Francisco
10min play
Launch for Drive-By, by Claudia La Rocco
published by Smooth Friend
April 2023 Cushionworks, San Francisco
Three ancient sisters who are forever teenagers must finally break the curse that forces them to make pizzas for 18 hours a day. But will Ben Affleck, who works at rival Pizza Hut, help them commune with the gods?
Cast Claudia La Rocco, Diana Cage, Anne Walsh, Jordan Stein, and introducing Elisabeth Nicula as Personal Pan Pizza Pan
Cast Claudia La Rocco, Diana Cage, Anne Walsh, Jordan Stein, and introducing Elisabeth Nicula as Personal Pan Pizza Pan

Photo Credit: TK