Boomerang Pizza
10min play

Launch for Drive-By, by Claudia La Rocco

published by Smooth Friend

April 2023 Cushionworks, San Francisco

Three ancient sisters who are forever teenagers must finally break the curse that forces them to make pizzas for 18 hours a day. But will Ben Affleck, who works at rival Pizza Hut, help them commune with the gods?

Cast Claudia La Rocco, Diana Cage, Anne Walsh, Jordan Stein, and introducing Elisabeth Nicula as Personal Pan Pizza Pan

Photo Credit: TK

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Beautiful Moments in Popular Culture is a theater company based in Oakland. Our mission is to produce performance at odds with commercial theater and to make occasion for underproduced or forgotten theater. Before the pandemic we ran a performance series at The Stud in San Francisco, and soon we will open a venue in the air.
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Plays for Every Occasion  performance series and book project theorizing Occasional Theater