Before Bacchae Before
25min film

2021 San Francisco Transgender Film Festival

2021 ODC Dance Festival

Gender Reveal Parties are a CULT.

Cast Annie Danger, Belinda He, Cliff Hengst, Danny Thanh Nguyen, Karla Quintero

with visitations from Kelly Baird, Ari Banias, Diana Cage, Lauren Cohen, 최 LINDSAY | Lindsay Choi, Zoë Keller, el李 | El Lee, Seán McKeithan, Julie Moon, Noah Ross, Poulomi Saha, Jocelyn Saidenberg, Anne Walsh
Lindsay I Lindsay Choi, Zoë Keller, el 李 I El Lee,  Seán McKeithan, Julie Moon, Noah Ross, Poulomi Saha, Jocelyn Saidenberg, Anne Walsh

Directed by Maxe Crandall & Hope Mohr
Object Animation by C Michael Chin
Video Editor Chani Bockwinkel
Producer Diana Cage 

Videography and Film Editor: Chani Bockwinkel 
[Film stills featuring the cast and its hauntings]

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Beautiful Moments in Popular Culture is a theater company based in Oakland. Our mission is to produce performance at odds with commercial theater and to make occasion for underproduced or forgotten theater. Before the pandemic we ran a performance series at The Stud in San Francisco, and soon we will open a venue in the air.
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Current Projects
Plays for Every Occasion  performance series and book project theorizing Occasional Theater